Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today's obession

Ok, I admit that I am totally and utterly obsessed with vintage bird cages. What began as a small love affair with the humble birdcage has rapidly developed into a complete obsession. I’m in love with their ornate design built to complement the exotic birds that were intended to fill them.

At the moment I have a couple of problems that are getting in the way of my first birdcage purchase…. 1) my one bedroom unit sadly lacks the space to display such a grand object 2) My husband doesn’t exactly share my enthusiasm.

So, to satisfy my cravings for birdcages I’m drooling over images and thinking of all the wonderful ways to style and display them. Filled with flowers, candles or feathers or even just left empty as a statement piece. Simply devine!

Some images to share:

I love how bohemian they look sitting pride of place on a sideboard or simply placed on the floor

Maybe I need to settle for some wall decals instead...... not the same .....
How beautiful do they look sitting pretty from the tree! A few fairy lights intertwined between the cages would show off their lovely shapes

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