Friday, October 23, 2009

Limelight - Sarah Daley (Papalo Paperworks)

There’s something special about the art of paperwork. The combination of delicate papers and trimmings to create a piece of artwork that appeals to the young and old.

I discovered designer, Sarah Daley on my monthly visit to Manly Village School markets. Sarah's beautiful stall displaying an array of unique paperworks on vintage windows, tree branches and pegs caught this bowerbirds eye.

I’m excited to introduce you to Sarah and her business Papalo Paperworks:

“Papalo Paperworks” – what’s the story behind the name?
I knew I wanted to use ‘Paperworks’ somewhere behind the name to represent the details of paper craft technique. Papalo was just a name I came up with and liked and I thought it sounded fresh.

You’re a primary school teacher, how did this play a role with you starting the business?
I teach Kindergarten and have a lot of fun. As a teacher the job is definitely very busy, however the hours and lifestyle give me the extra time to get a little creative. Holidays are a gem! The children have also inspired me as many of my designs reflect this. I am really passionate about design and beautiful things and love the chance to spend a sunny day at the markets being inspired by others and talking to lovely people. I like to say giving a card is like giving someone a smile on paper!

What would you like people to gain from your creations?
I am not so sure but I do hope a little happiness, inspiration and an appreciation for detail and creativity.

Do you personally design and make the items in your collection?
All of my items I design and hand make myself using vintage wallpapers, old sheet music, ribbons and fabric.

What’s your current favourite design/piece in your collection?
Some of my favourites are the framed babushka dolls and rocking horses. These are popular gifts for baby nurseries or little ones bedrooms. My favourite card designs at the moment are the ‘doily bear’ and ‘ the musical heart’.

Price range of items?
Prices range from $3- for gift tags through to $40 for framed art. Cards are $4- each or 3 for $10. There will be lots of Christmas cards at the November 21st market!

Where can we find you?
At the moment I have a regular stall at the Manly Village School Markets on the 3rd Saturday of each month. I also stock at a gorgeous children’s boutique in Avalon called ‘I am Kids’ and the Avalon Toy Shop.

What can’t you live without?
What I can t live without……….. This is always a tricky one to define. I would definitely have to say my family and my partner Dylan, the outdoors, Sydney and time to create.

If you’re inspired by Sarah’s work, support her by visiting the Manly Village Markets on the 21st November. If you can’t get to Manly Village markets and you are interested in purchasing Sarah's artwork please email me

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