Wednesday, February 9, 2011

French = Style

doodle from Paris (please excuse the lady with chicken legs, my pen got a little carried away!)

I was in Paris early October 2010 and while sitting ‘alfresco’ in the heart of the Maris I started doodling the fashion and style that was walking by (hmmm, actually, the word ‘doodle’ and ‘Paris’ should not be in the same sentence, maybe sketch would be a better word??)

Anyway, I re-discovered this ‘sketch’ today and I took the following inspiration for my winter clothes:

* Always wear a scarf

* Buy a chic umbrella (dodging puddles with a newspaper over your head is a total no, no)

* A tailored, cropped jacket works with most things

* Tights! (Note-to-self: stick at the gym)

* Tan ankle boots – winter staple

* Funky glasses will always make you look uber arty (think Johnny Depp)

* Stripe tops should be a mandatory

* Find THE perfect white shirt ASAP

* Update my ballet flats

* Can’t go wrong with grey, red, tan and black

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