Sunday, November 21, 2010

DIY Christmas Decorations

With December just over a week away I thought I’d better get cracking on some Christmas decorations. Inspired by the origami I saw on a recent holiday to Japan, I thought I’d start by making a quick garland of 3D stars.

I trialled a few different types of paper and ribbon but found that the sheet of Cristina Re reversible paper I had lying around had the best paper weight to produce sharp points on the star.

This video taught me how to weave/fold a 3d star and I used strips of paper about 1.2cm wide by about 50cm long.

One sheet of Cristina Re paper made about 13 stars. Clear fishing line was used to string the stars together after puncturing a whole in each star with a sewing needle.

After practicing with a couple of stars, it only took about 5 minutes to make a star from cutting the strips to completing the last point.

If you like the stars but don’t want a garland then you could easily turn a single star into a tree bauble or use them to decorate gift wrapping.

I hope you enjoy this quick Christmas project!

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  1. if you want the star bigger do you just make the strips of paper wider and longer?

  2. Correct!If it was me, I'd allow a lot longer piece of paper because the wider folds chew up the length very quickly! Thanks for your comment. It's lovely to see someone reads my babble!!

  3. Thats very striking! This will be a perfect way for me to use up some of the hoards of paper I have stashed away... thanks!
