Sunday, July 25, 2010

Retail Therapy

The French really are the world leaders of retail packaging. From the moment you select your purchase, your item is handled with love and care. It's gently folded and wrapped with the finest tissue and placed in a sumptuous carry case. The whole experience is done in slow motion, almost like a retailers version of Tai Chi.

I was recently given some gorgeous things from Paris. Each one folded, wrapped and presented in the most divine carry bags. I scanned the above image to show you one of the bags. I love the colours and patterns. The ink painting is so beautiful it's almost worth framing!

While I'm talking about Paris + retail. 2 of the Parisian shops I can't wait to visit on my holiday in September are Cafe Angelina and home emporium 'Merci'. Cafe Angelina is filled with french pastries and macaroons and Merci is located in an old textiles factory with plenty of homeware eye candy.

above images are from grazia magazine. and Vogue Living

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