Friday, November 20, 2009

Limelight - Margaret McAteer (Screen Printer)


On a recent trip to Tasmania, I visited an artist run cooperative called Inka Gallery. I fell in love with many of the artworks in the store especially the amazing screenprints created by artist, Margaret McAteer. Margaret's use of bold colour, vintage images and tounge-in-cheek political humour really struck a cord with me so I'm very happy to be profiling her today.

How did you become interested in screen printing?
I grew up in Sydney and there were a lot of posters (mostly) screen printed, plastered over building and renovation sites in the CBD and these fascinated me.

What inspires your work?
People inspire my work and this leads me into politics. I have been interested in politics ever since I can remember.

How effective is art used as a tool to communicate a political or environmental messages?
Art can be very effective in communicating political views, this becomes obvious if you look at old posters from all over the world. If you add humour to it I find the artwork is more successful in getting its message across.
I am currently working on an exhibition using nursery rhymes, fairy tales and politics.

Do you have a favourite artwork?
I don’t have a favourite artwork but I like to collect books on posters , both present day and historical for inspiration. Historical advertising and political posters can be simple, bold and very clever.

Price Range?
It varies depending on how many prints are in the edition. I produce my political posters in small editions. The price ranges is $100 - $200.

Where can we purchase/see your work?
It is only available at the Inka gallery in Tasmania, and can be purchased through the gallery directly or via our website: Examples of mine and other artist artwork can be seen on Inka's website.

Do you have a favourite retail shop in Hobart ?
I don’t really have a favourite, I like Inka Gallery as it exposes me to many different art forms and artists, but I will also go into any jewellery shop.

John, Margaret and Dorothy Bendigo 1952

To view more of Margarets artwork or purchase a print please visit

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