Sunday, October 25, 2009

DIY – Chunky Chain Heart Necklace

I came across this sexy gold necklace during my daily visit to Garance Doré’s über cool blog by the same name. Garance is an unbelievably talented French illustrator/photographer and all-round creative type with a penchant for fashion. You can check out her blog at the following website

Anyway, I’ve been obsessing over the necklace ever since I spotted it, so first thing Saturday I bought some supplies and made my own super sexy, chunky chain heart necklace!!!

If you’re interested in making one for yourself all you need is the following:
  • 40-50cm of chunky gold chain (I found mine at Empire Beads in Surry Hills. They have an online store
  • Heart pendant
  • 2 jump rings
  • Hook clasp

Total time to make = 2 minutes
Total cost = $5


  1. Use a pair of wire cutters to trim the chain to size

  2. Use pliers to attach jump ring and hook clasp to end of chain

  3. Use another jump ring to attach the heart pendant

Ta-da! All finished in 2 minutes!!!

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