Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sometimes you come across a piece of creativity that makes you stop.

I often trawl through blogs and websites trying to find something a little bit special, something that will leave me with a sense of admiration and inspiration. Rarely do you find a designer who has complete cut through so when I found Kate’s blog “Little Doodles” I thought it would be a crime not to share!

Kate’s blog, “Little Doodles” http://little-doodles.blogspot.com/ is an illustration diary of everyday events. She features a range of illustrations including posts entitled “what I wore today” which document in ink every detail of her daily ensembles.

Although, my favourite illustrations are her birds… “Sweetness” is the first word that pops to mind after seeing her designs. I can’t help but smile every time I look at them.

Some of my favourites are listed below.
I love the play with high street fashion and the quaintness of the bird illustrations.
Too cute for words....

The colour in the wings is so pretty and the oversized specticles make you love this little character.

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