Monday, August 3, 2009

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man....

Why do we crave something sweet after a savory meal? I’m hunting around the house trying to find something for desert but the closest I’ve got is a Donna Hay cook book.

So, I’ve started thinking about how inspiring sweet treats can be. The thought of a pastel cupcake or a brightly coloured macaroon instantly puts a smile on my face.

I wish we had the Parisian tea salon Laduree in Australia. Famous for their macaroons and other sweet treats they’ve been refining their recipes since 1862.

Not only are their macaroons special but the interiors of their retail chains are amazing. The Champs Elysees store is fit for a queen with velvet drapes and Edwardian chairs.

Hope is not completely lost for a store in Australia with 2 stores now open in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo)…… yummm!

In my internet surfing I couldn’t pass this yummy recipe for chocolate chai spice cupcakes

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