Sunday, July 19, 2009

To market, to market, to buy...

I’ve had the most delicious weekend of market shopping with many successful purchases.

Manly market yesterday was fantastic. I love when you scout the market stalls and notice a few stall holders the same size as you – it’s a recipe for a good shopping day.

I only parted with $45 and I managed to bag:

Adidas running jacket (prefect for my cold morning jog)
Esprit puffy vest
French Connection black & white strip top
Mustard bubble skirt (fantastic with black stockings and patent leather shoes)
Zoe Wittner red wedge shoes
Crystal earrings
Stripe scarf
Blue jeans
Red coral necklace
Grey & black striped skirt

So the next challenge is to turn these cheap and cheerful pieces into some killer outfits. Inspiration ensues:

Bubble skirt inspiration

Ok, so the puffy vest was about 2 seasons ago, but I still think I can pull something off....

Black and white stripe top, red accents and black bottoms - classic cool

Today we visited the Frenchs Forest Organice markets where we picked up breakfast and the weekly shop of fruit and veg. The market has a lovely community atmosphere and you feel healthier just walking through the stalls! The market also has a number of interesting non-produce stalls including a t-shirt business, “Miartra” run by local artist Rachel Carroll.

Rachel and her sister have put their creative talents to good use by designing and screen printing a number or fun and unique t-shirts. Each t-shirt is made with love and designed to make you smile. An absolute steel at $20 a pop for a hand made design.

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