The finished product! My formula tin can conversion
At the moment my little man is chowing
through 2 formula tins a week, leaving us with a mountain of tin cans for the
recycling man.
A friend suggested the can conversions
featured on Pinterest so I did some pinning and decided to give the tin ->
vase conversion a crack.
I’m using the Nestle Nan HA tins, which are
gold in colour and were a little difficult to cover. I ended up using 3 coats
of a metal primer, then applying 5 coats of a gloss white. It was probably
overkill but I didn’t want any of the print from the original can showing
The can will eventually rust through if you
put the water straight in, so you could inserted a glass jar to hold the water.
If you’ve got some examples of this type of
a tin can conversion please share! I’ve got a stack more tins waiting for