Saturday, March 26, 2011

Launch of STUDIO2103

Design Detective Diary has now launched a sister blog to house a collection of projects for the craft minx. I wanted to have a location that would catelogue a range of inspiring and contemporary creative projects in video and step-by-step format for people who like to create. Whether you have 1 hour, 1 day or 1 weekend I hope that STUDIO2103 will have a project to satisfy your creative hunger.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How far will $150 go at Kirribilli Fashion Markets?

Left to right: Seduce top $5, Zara skirt $10, new Portmans top $10

Left to right: black ankle boots $15, new Witchery suede wedges $30, RMK heels $15

Left to right: wool/silk dress $10, Top Shop lambs wool cardi $10

Bangles $5 each

Hitting the secondhand clothing market circuit is one of my favourite pastimes. It’s so much fun! The thrill of fossicking through trash to find treasure, haggling for bargains and coming home with bags of goodies for a small amount of money. It’s definitely the most economical way to shop and you can usually find unique pieces from High Street designers.

One of my favourite markets is the Kirribilli Fashion Market, which I visited last Sunday. With $150 in my pocket I was on a mission to find shoes, party clothes and some winter pieces. The day did not disappoint! For $115 I bought 10 pieces including shoes, tops, accessories and a skirt. I’m already planning my shopping list for next month….!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Green Thumb - Making a Terrarium

My terrarium - I would have like a vessel with a glass lid but this glass vase was only $10 and the one with a lid was $80.

Steps for making a terrarium (see below for full instructions). I found the chopstick rather helpful to create small holes in the soil to poke plants in.

Apartment living is not the best for the avid gardener, especially when your balcony is the size of a pea (like mine!). Hence, I’m always looking for ideas to improve the greenery around my house without sacrificing space. I’ve fallen in love with the concept of terrariums, little mini plant worlds that can live inside a glass jar, as a way to expand the garden at home. Today I finally had a go at creating one and I was pretty happy with the end result. I’ll post another photo when the succulents have settled in and they start to take a natural shape.

It was really simple to make:

Buy a glass jar/vase/vessel

Buy a selection of dwarf succulents

Put down a layer of horticulture charcoal

Then put some succulent/cactus potting mix on top (it’s more sandy than the normal potting mix)

Break up the succulents and start designing your landscape!

Water you terrarium….. presto! Fingers crossed it grows.

If you want more inspiration, there are many how-to tutorials on the web, this is one by design sponge

I'd love to see or hear about your terrariums so please email me or post a comment!