Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Summer holidays are ....

I love summer holidays. Nothing beats warm water, sun kissed skin, yummy fruits and total relaxation. It’s like a good chocolate; it fills you with enjoyment as you savor it for as long as possible. My husband and I do the same road trip every year…. Camping in Byron Bay, then a luxury apartment in Noosa by the water… this is thinking time for both of us. We spend hours talking about the future and our projects for the coming year. I’ve already spent time thinking about this blog and I have some exciting ideas for 2010.

I also wanted to ask for your input – what do you like, what you want to see, ask me any questions. I’d also love to make my Friday limelight a weekly feature so if you know of any talented minxes who own their own design store, or make their own product or who are just insanely creative please dob them in and I’ll line them up for an interview!

Wishing all of you a sensationally happy and enjoyable new year and I look forward to sharing my thoughts and finds with you in 2010.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Holidays

As 2009 draws to a close I want to thank you for supporting my little blog. May your holiday season be magical, with time to rejuvenate your soul and inspire your mind!!

Design Detective is heading north for the silly season so posts may be a little infrequent until early in the New Year.

Until then… stay safe, eat well and be merry.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Luxe Christmas Crackers

I’m currently on the prowl for some Christmas decorating ideas for table settings. One “must have” item is the humble Christmas Cracker. Whilst I love the cheesy jokes, the little plastic toy inevitably ends up in the bin which is a complete waste and not good for the environment. So, I’ve decided to attempt making my own this year!

I found Mecca Cosmetica’s Limited Edition Lips Bon-Bon, which are a fabulous luxe version for lunch with the girls, however this year they are a little out of my price range at $26 each.

So I’m going to take some “inspiration” from the luxe Christmas cracker concept, head down to spotlight and buy some cardboard, snappers, ribbon and either use up some beautiful Japanese paper (that I’ve been saving for the “perfect occasion”) or I’m thinking of heading to the local Vinnies/Salvo’s (thrift shop) and sourcing some beautiful old silk scarves that could be used to cover the cracker and then double as a decorative scarf (for their handbag, headband or neck). I've got a budget of $10 per Cracker and I think I can do it!

To fill the crackers I’m going to grab a hot shade of nail polish (from somewhere like dotti or sporsgirl where you can pick them up for around $5-$8) and add one of the jokes from my dad’s collection (100% guaranteed to be cheesy!). If you wanted to spend a little more you could put in a perfume miniature but they cost about $20 each.

I’ve set this as a project for this weekend so I’ll post some photos when they’re completed!

(Bon Bon kits can be purchased cheap [$2+] from craft stores or some bargain stores)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Free DIY Advent Calendar

No advent calendar yet? No fear. Thanks to Mibo, we have access to this print-and-make-at-home project for FREE! Doing awaywith over chintzy-ness often seen on advent calendars they have designed this simple and chic calendar to bring the essence of Christmas to your home in a non-frilly way! The calendar takes about 5-15 mins to make - all you need is a ruler, a craft knife and a gluestick. Full instructions are included. Follow this link to download:

And while you are busying yourself in craft corner why not knock up their little Christmas Creatures as well?? These little chaps have just been featured in December's issue of Elle Decoration and at just £3.50 these printable versions are a nice and cheap way to give your home a bit of Christmas cuteness. Each critter takes only 5-10 mins to make and everyone will think you are very clever.

*images and copy from